As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: M and N
Theme of the week: Money and Numbers
Arts & crafts:
Today the kids made a coin collecting craft. Using a sheet of paper with divisions for each denomination, they sorted through a huge pile of coins to find ones that matched their birth year. They then glued the coins into the appropriate boxes on the page and voila - their first coin collections! Note: this is still a work in progress as not all 3 kids were able to find every denomination of coins in their given birth year. But we'll keep looking!
Free play at stations:
Story time:
Count the Ducks by Unknown (from an activity book)
Fraggle Countdown by Muntean/Hearn
Cooperative game:
Today we tried our hand with a brand new deck of real Uno cards (we've been playing the preschool version for years) and everyone loved it!
Science experiment:
This week's science theme: M is for Magnets.
Suspended Paperclip
Today the kids tried a little magic by attaching a piece of string with a paperclip on the end to the bottom of a jar and placing a magnet inside the metal lid. They then turned the jar upside down - which brought the paperclip close enough to the lid to feel the pull of the magnet but not close enough to touch it - and then turned it right side up again. Low and behold the pull was strong enough to keep the string extended and make it look like the paperclip was suspended in air! Note: Finding the right length of string was quite a trial and error process as many attempts were too long or too short. Be patient!
Physical activity:
Sports Skills Development and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Outing/social time:
Sports Skills Development and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Finding words that begin with M and N, finding pictures that begin with M and N, colouring M and N word pictures, filling in the missing M and N, recognizing sight words what/get/we/in, writing sight words get/at, simple mazes, adding money worksheets (bills and coins).
Hands on math:
Money and numbers games on the iPad.
Money: Money Swipe, Money & Change Game HD Lite, Coin Loot HD, Coins Sports Free, Flickochet Lite.
Numbers: 123 Numbers, 1 to 10 Lite, Mathaliens, Kidpedia, IWW Lite, as well as the number components of ABC Letters and Alphabet Tracing.
Danced and sang to our Money and Numbers theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced answering two questions: "C'est quoi ton nom?" when someone asks them their name and "Quel age as-tu?" when someone asks how old they are. We also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks and will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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