Sing Hello/Bonjour song and The More We Get Together
Calendar time:
Talk about the year in E/F
Sing months of the year song in E/F and ask calendar helper to name the month in E/F
Sing days of the week song in E/F and ask calendar helper to come up and tell us what day it is in E/F
Have calendar helper count out dates so far in E/F to determine the number of the current date and stick it on
Weather time:
Review possible weather choices in E/F
Have weather helper come up and look out window to determine weather in E/F and stick arrow to point to correct answer
Letter of the week:
Introduce/review letter of the week in E/F by showing poster printout of upper and lower case
Talk about what lines the upper and lowercase letters are made up of (long straight line, curvy lines, short straight line, etc)
Practice making letters out of pipe cleaners and Play-Doh using what we just learned about how letters are formed
Show them how to write uppercase and lowercase letters on the easel and take turns practicing
Ask them what sound they think the letter makes and if uppercase and lower case sound the same
Listen to letter sound on Leap Frog Fridge Phonics toy to confirm and sing along to the song
Read short Dora/Tonka phonics book with applicable sound or have Gabe read one
Listen to letter of the week song from Little People ABC CD and have them call out the words they hear that begin with that letter (write down answers and then review French as well)
Ask them if they can think of any other words beginning with that letter (write down answers and then review French as well)
Read them words (of their choosing) beginning with weekly letter from “My Fun With Words” book
Introduce/review weekly theme in E/F by showing poster printout
Ask them if they can think of any words related to that theme (write down answers and then review French as well)
Teach words from theme related word book in E/F (book will vary depending on theme of the week)
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