As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: W
Theme of the week: Weather
Arts & crafts:
Today the kids made suns using paper plates, construction paper and yellow paint.
Free play at stations:
Rather than have free play stations indoors today, we decided to enjoy the beautiful "weather" first hand and spend the morning playing at the park instead!
Story time:
Spring by Jocelyn
The Windy Day by Lee
Clifford and the Big Storm by Bridwell
Cooperative game:
Today we played a game where I gave each kid a theme related word on a sheet of paper which they were to read (I helped Roxy with this part) and then race to the living room to find a picture of that word that was on the coffee table. Whoever made the most matches was the winner!
Science experiment:
Today I introduced the kids to the basics of the water cycle and then gave them a demonstration of "evaporation" by boiling a pot of water on the stove and having them watch the steam rise up from the pot. We also continued gathering data for the temperature chart we began working on yesterday.
Physical activity:
Soccer, baseball and play at the park.
Outing/social time:
Soccer, baseball and play at the park.
Coloring W word pictures, tracing and writing letter W, tracing W words, tracing numeral 7, counting and finding numeral, weather picture matching, finding tallest and shortest, cutting curved lines.
Hands on math:
Danced and sang along to our Weather theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced saying "C'est amusant!" to describe when something is fun and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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