As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: X
Theme of the week: X Marks the Spot
Arts & crafts:
Today the kids coloured and put together pirate ships using various sized trapezoid shaped cutouts and 2 long rectangle cutouts for masts.
Free play at stations:
As described in earlier free play post
Station 1: colouring pirate themed pictures, drawing and cutting
Station 2: various puzzles (various Dora heart shaped puzzles, alphabet boat puzzle)
Station 3: Mr Potato Head, Play Doh, Geoforme game
Station 4: free play with theme related toys: pirate dress up items (swords, hats, eye patches, telescopes, bandanas), pirate ship, compass, play money & jewels for treasure
Station 5: Imaginarium wooden blocks and Lego
Station 6: basket of theme related books
Story time:
Eloise's Pirate Adventure by McClatchy/Lyon
Whatever You Do, Don't Go Near that Canoe! by Lawson/Zimmermann
Matthew and the Midnight Pirates by
Cooperative game:
Today we played a game where the kids were to roll a dice and then advance the number of squares indicated and follow the directions in the square (i.e. "Lost the map, go back 2 etc). The first one to make it to the final square which held the treasure was the winner! We also played "What time is it Mr. Pirate?" at the park.
Science experiment:
Today we continued our big review of all of the concepts we covered so far this year. We did this in a quiz show format with the kids yelling "Arrrrrr!" like pirates to buzz in. Each correct answer earned them a "jewel" for the team and with 10 jewels they are able to buy one piece of a treasure map that I made and cut into 5 pieces. By Friday they will have earned all of the treasure map pieces and will go on a hunt for the treasure that is hidden somewhere in the house!
Physical activity:
Outdoor play at the park, soccer and baseball.
Outing/social time:
Outdoor play at the park, soccer and baseball.
Coloring X word pictures, tracing and writing letter X, tracing X words, counting and finding numeral, writing numbers 8 and 9, pirate dot to dot, pirate word to picture matching, cutting zigzag lines.
Hands on math:
Pirate related games on the iPad: L'il Pirates, Treasure Story, My First Find the Differences Game: Pirates, Coin Pirates, Jewel Adventures, Pirate Treasure Hunt, Pirate Tales Books.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced saying "Arrête, je n'aime pas ça!" to tell someone to stop bothering them (one of the first sentences Nicki's kindergarten teacher taught the class!) and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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