As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: J
Theme of the week: Jobs
Arts & Crafts:
Earlier in the week I asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up and printed out a drawing of the job that they each described. Today the kids first decorated picture frames made from craft foam using foam stickers of various shapes and sizes. Then they coloured the pictures I had printed out and glued a photo of their own face over the face on the drawing. They glued everything together and on the frame I inscribed: "When I grow up I want to be..." and dated it.
Free play at stations:
As described in earlier free play post
Station 1: colouring J word pictures and job theme related pictures, drawing and cutting
Station 2: various puzzles (Dora, The Wiggles, alphabet puzzle)
Station 3: Lite Brite, peg board, lacing toys
Station 4: free play with doctor kit, construction tools, baking set & pirate ship
Station 5: Imaginarium Deluxe Marble Race
Station 6: basket of theme related books
Story time:
Flik the Inventor by Saxon/Brown/Phillipson
When I Grow Up by Mayer
Henry Goes Overboard by Warren/Nunn
When I Grow Up by Hallinan
Cooperative game:
Today we took turns playing doctor with each of us getting a turn to be both the doctor and the patient. Some of the made-up ailments and remedies were quite interesting!
Science experiment:
Since the weather this week was forecasted as being sunny and warm, I decided the theme for this week's experiments would be "Outdoor Fun!"
Making Mud
Today the kids investigated the concepts of absorption and saturation by slowly adding water to potting soil. Once the soil was fully saturated they played with the mud, squishing it through their fingers, using cups to scoop and dump it and getting all kids of toys good and muddy. Then they gave everything a bath in a big container of sudsy water!
Physical activity:
Outdoor play in the backyard and a play date at the park.
Outing/social time:
Play date at the park.
Coloring J word pictures, tracing letter J, tracing J words, matching uppercase to lowercase letters F-J, matching word to picture, counting and finding numeral, finding shortest in a group, tracing numeral 10, cutting straight lines.
Hands on math:
Play with buttons - counting, easy addition & subtraction, multiplication concepts, patterns, estimating who has most, estimating total, sorting by colour, sorting by shape, concepts of "more than", "less than" and "equal to".
Job games on the iPad (Swapsies, Great Jobs for Kids, Occupations puzzles).
Danced, sang and played instruments to our Jobs theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced saying "Est-ce que je peux aller dehors s'il-vous-plait?" when they want to go outside and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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