As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: E
Theme of the week: Eating
Arts & crafts:
The kids made a food pyramid by sorting cutouts of various food items from grocery store circulars and gluing them in the correct food group section. We spent a lot of time discussing why the healthier foods were at the bottom of the pyramid and had a larger section thus allowing you to eat more of them each day, and why unhealthy foods only had a tiny section at the top thus allowing you to eat only minimal amounts of these.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
The Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a Cake by Cole/Degen
Happy Healthy Monsters Elmo's Breakfast Bingo by Tabby/Womble
Oh, Bother! Someone Won't Share! by Birney/Stevenson
Noggin and Bobbin in the Garden by Dunrea
Farmer's Market Scratch & Sniff by Cuddly Duck Productions
Cooperative game:
Science experiment:
The theme this week is food. All of our experiments, although inedible, will incorporate food in some way.
What's More Dense?
The kids hypothesized and then tested what items would and wouldn't float in various liquids such as oil, water and corn syrup. We then discussed their results and I explained to them that the density of the liquid played a large role in the outcome. They then mixed the oil, water and corn syrup together and watched how they separated themselves in the glass, with the least dense rising to the top and the most dense sinking to the bottom. As an extra activity we added salt to the mixture as was done here and watched how the salt brought a bubble of oil down with it. The salt and the oil together were more dense than the water and so they sunk. But when the salt dissolved in the water, the oil floated back to the top because it was once again less dense than the water. Pretty cool!
Physical activity:
Sports Skills Development and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Outing/social time:
Sports Skills Development and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Finding words that begin with E, colouring E word pictures, filling in the missing E, recognizing and writing sight words "is" and "for", finding correct spelling of food items within a group of misspelled variations.
Hands on math:
Food games on the iPad in English and French (eFlash French, Play 2 Learn French, Food Festival, Breakfast Bash).
Danced and sang along to our eating theme compilation cd, calling out food items from songs in French.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced asking "Est-ce que je peux boire de l'eau s'il-vous-plait?" when they are thirsty and continued to reinforce all the notions we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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