As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: F
Theme of the week: Family & Friends
Arts & crafts:
The kids made paper doll "friend chains" and glued photos of some of their friends' heads onto each of the bodies.
Free play at stations:
As described in earlier free play post
Station 1: colouring F word and family/friend pictures, drawing and cutting
Station 2: various puzzles (Cars, Princesses, Mickey Mouse & Toy Story)
Station 3: Lite Brite, Play Doh, beads & string
Station 4: pretend play with mommy & baby dolls, Ernie & Bert, Dora & Diego, Little People and house
Station 5: Imaginarium wooden blocks
Station 6: basket of theme related books
Story time:
Big Sister Now by Sheldon/Maizel
Giggles with Daddy by Hathon
Toy Story 2 Friends Forever by Lagonegro/Studio Iboix
Big Sister Dora by Inches/Aikins
The Berenstain Bears are a Family by Berenstain/Berenstain
Cooperative game:
Science experiment:
The themes for this week's science experiments will all begin with the letter F!
After freezing grapes covered with water in an ice cube tray earlier in the week, today we explored different ways to thaw the ice and get the grapes out. Suggestions ran the gamut from doing nothing at all to putting them in the microwave and all of the kids' ideas were put to the test. We then noted the length of time it took for each of the methods to thaw the ice and talked about why some ways worked faster than others.
Physical activity:
Outing/social time:
Play date at our house with close friends Emily and David.
Coloring F word pictures, tracing letter F, tracing F words, matching family related pictures to written descriptions, tracing family related words, ordinal numbers, counting and finding numeral, tracing and writing the numeral 4, finding 4 items in larger group, cutting zigzag lines.
Hands on math:
Used magnets to solve simple addition and subtraction equations, practiced reading numbers larger than 100.
There were very few games related to our Family & Friends theme on the iPad (only Just Me and My Mom and Play 2 Learn French) so the kids played letter tracing, sound recognition and number games as well.
Danced and sang along to our Friends & Family theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced asking "Est-ce que tu peux me laver s'il-vous-plait?" when they are finished eating and want to have their hands and faces washed, and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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