As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: F
Theme of the week: Family & Friends
Arts & crafts:
The kids made picture frames for family photos using sheets of craft foam and stickers.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
Just Me and My Dad by Mayer
Are You My Mother? by Eastman
Just a Little Different by Mayer
Goodnight Aunt Lilly by Madigan/Dawson
Franklin and Harriet by Ford/Chandler
Cooperative game:
Checkers and Tic Tac Toe.
Science experiment:
The themes for this week's science experiments will all begin with the letter F!
It Floats!
The kids hypothesized what would happen when they dropped various items into a container filled with water (sink vs float). They then tested their predictions and we discussed their results. Next they put a square of aluminum foil on the water and watched it float. I then crushed that square into a tiny ball using pliers and they watched it sink. We did the same thing with a ball of Play-Doh which sank as a ball but floated when shaped like a boat. We talked about their theories as to why that happened and I explained to them the idea behind surface tension. They then added small balls of Play Doh to the boat to see how many they could add before it finally sunk!
Physical activity:
Outing/social time:
Library visit.
7 of our 15 selections were theme related books:
Our Global Community - Families by Easterling
The Berenstain Bears are a Family by Berenstain/Berenstain
My Family is Forever by Carlson
Who's in a Family? by Skutch/Nienhaus
Teach Me About Brothers and Sisters by Berry/Bartholomew
Teach Me About Mommies and Daddies by Berry/Bartholomew
Teach Me About Friends by Berry/Bartholomew
Coloring F word pictures, tracing letter F, tracing F words, writing name, completing shape patterns, ordinal numbers, counting and finding numeral, tracing and writing the numeral 1, finding 1 item in larger group, cutting zigzag lines.
Hands on math:
Play with buttons - counting, easy addition & subtraction, multiplication concepts, patterns, estimating who has most, estimating total, sorting by colour, sorting by shape.
There were very few games related to our Family & Friends theme on the iPad (only Just Me and My Mom and Play 2 Learn French) so the kids played letter tracing, sound recognition and number games as well.
Danced and sang along to our Friends & Family theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced asking "Est-ce que tu peux me laver s'il-vous-plait?" when they are finished eating and want to have their hands and faces washed, and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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