As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: H
Theme of the week: House & Home
Arts & crafts:
The kids made collages using cutouts of household items taken from store circulars.
Free play at stations:
As described in earlier free play post
Station 1: colouring H word pictures and pictures of houses & homes, drawing and cutting
Station 2: various puzzles (Fox in Socks, boat alphabet, shapes)
Station 3: Lite Brite, lacing toys, Geoforme game
Station 4: pretend play with Little People and house, princesses and castle
Station 5: Imaginarium wooden blocks and Lincoln Logs
Station 6: basket of theme related books
Story time:
Meet My Pet Monster by McCay/Costanza
The Tale of Traveling Matt by Muntean/McCue
I Want to Go Home! by Roberts/Mathieu
My House by Scarry
Cooperative game:
Household item BINGO (again by popular demand!)
Science experiment:
This week's science theme: H is for Heat.
Heat Changes Things
The kids put various items to the test to see which ones would change when heated in a 300 degree oven and which would not. The items tested were a block of wood, a crayon, a nail, a ball of aluminum foil and a candle. They made their predictions about if/how each of the items would change and after 5 minutes we took the items out and discussed their results.
Perceiving Hot vs Cold
While the kids waited for the items in the oven to heat up, we performed another experiment with bowls of water. First they submerged one of their hands into a bowl of very cold water and the other into a bowl of hot (but not too hot) water and left them there for about a minute. Next they put those hands into a bowl of lukewarm water and discovered the strange sensation of having one hand feel cold (the one that had been in the hot water) and one hand feel hot (the one that had been in the cold water) when submerged in the same bowl of water. We discussed how the heat leaves your hot hand to warm up the water making that hand feel cold, and how the heat from the water travels to your cold hand making it feel warmer.
Physical activity:
Outing/social time:
Coloring H word pictures, tracing letter H, tracing H words, matching household item words to their picture, counting and finding numeral, tracing the numeral 2, cutting zig-zag lines.
Hands on math:
House & Home games on the iPad (Play 2 Learn French, First Words @ Home, My Home, iCreate Home Edition, Kids and Home).
Danced and sang along to our House & Home theme compilation cd .
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced being polite and saying "Excuse moi" after passing gas (something the kids in this house seem to do an awful lot of!) and also continued to reinforce all of the notions that we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.