As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: D
Theme of the week: Dressing Myself
Arts & crafts:
The kids made a clothing collage using pictures of clothing items cut from store circulars, glue and construction paper.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
No Clean Clothes by Munsch/Martchenko
The Perfect Dress by Lagonegro/Marrucchi
Barney's Hats by Dudko/Larsen
Mokey's Birthday Present by Weiss/Miles
Cooperative game:
Winnie the Pooh dominoes and Hide & Seek
Science experiment:
Theme this week is Data & Documentation
Sock investigation
The kids first formulated their hypotheses about who in our family had the most socks and who had the least. Using ideas about charting and graphing from the websites linked to above, they then set about testing their predictions by gathering data (i.e. counting socks!) and then represented their findings using bar graphs. We then discussed how easy it is to view and analyze data findings when they are presented in the form of a graph and checked to see whose hypotheses were correct!
Physical activity:
Outing/social time:
Library visit. 7 of our 15 selections were theme related books:
Caillou - Mes VĂȘtements by Bringnaud/Depratto
Clothes/Les VĂȘtements by Beaton
The Scarecrow's New Clothes by Theising
Thomas' Snowsuit by Munsch/Martchenko
Socks by Gill/Lambson
Je M'habille by Orlando
The Emperor's New Clothes by Andersen/Davidson/Gordon
Coloring D word pictures, tracing letter D, tracing D words, tracing straight lines, writing name, finding which group has more, finding same, picture matching, cutting curved lines.
Hands on math:
Play with buttons - counting, easy addition & subtraction, patterns, estimating who has most, estimating total, sorting by colour, sorting by shape. The kids each took turns coming up with a game idea for the rest of us this time around.
Dress-up & clothing games on the iPad in English and French (Learn French & Play, Play 2 Learn French, Dress-up Baby, 4 Dress Up, Swapsies)
Danced and sang along to our dressing myself theme compilation cd.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced asking "Est-ce que tu peux m'aider s'il-vous-plait?" when they needed help and continued to reinforce all the notions we covered in previous weeks. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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