As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: B
Theme of the week: The Body
Arts & crafts:
The kids made collages using cut outs of various body parts from circulars as well as body part stickers.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Perkins/Gurney
Arthur's Nose by Brown
Touch That! by Hewitt
Horns to Toes and In Between by Boynton
The Magic School Bus Has A Heart by Capeci/Cole/Degen
Cooperative game:
Used our sense of sight to play I Spy.
Science experiment:
Theme this week is the 5 Senses
Touch Chart
Gathered 15 differently textured items made from various materials (sand paper, felt, egg carton, ribbon, etc) and had the kids take turns touching and describing how each one felt. They then made a chart by gluing them into 1 of 4 sections: Smooth, Bumpy, Soft or Rough based on their earlier descriptions. We also talked about how all of our skin can be used to feel, not just the skin on our fingers, and discussed other information besides texture that we can gather by touching something (i.e. hot/ cold, wet/dry).
Physical activity:
Running, climbing, sliding and playing with balls and hoops in the YMCA gym with me. We also went on a puddle stomp in the pouring rain!
Outing/social time:
1 hour at the YMCA childcare.
Coloring B word pictures, tracing letter B, tracing B words, tracing diagonal lines down left to right, completing patterns, counting & finding numeral, finding same, matching word to picture, maze, dot to dot, cutting straight lines.
Hands on math:
We took turns measuring various parts of each other's bodies with a ruler and then noted and compared our measurements on a chalkboard.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced answering "Je ne comprends pas" when they don't understand something said to them in French and "Je ne sais pas" when they understand but don't know the answer. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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