As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: C
Theme of the week: Colours
Arts & crafts:
The kids made colourful paintings using marbles. We first stuck a sheet of paper to the bottom of a large Tupperware container. Then the kids squirted small splodges of various colour paints all over the page. They then plopped different size marbles on top, closed the Tupperware lid and shook the whole thing up. The result was great!
Free play at stations:
As described in earlier free play post
Station 1: colouring C word pictures, drawing and cutting
Station 2: various puzzles (alphabet, Spiderman, Doodle Bops and Cars)
Station 3: lacing toys, Lite Brite, Geoform game
Station 4: pretend play with our most colourful stuffed animals, colourful stacking and nesting toys, coloured alphabet foam letters, etc
Station 5: small Legos and bucket of Imaginarium wooden blocks
Station 6: basket of theme related books
Story time:
Adventures in Colors and Shapes by Walt Disney Productions
Rainbow Brite and the Brook Meadow Deer by Leslie/Wilson
No Red Monsters Allowed by Alexander/Prebenna
Big Bird's Red Book by Cerf
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
Cooperative game:
We played a game I called "Going to Colourland" where each of us took turns saying which Colourland we were going to (i.e. Purpleland, Redland) and then we all had 1 minute to pack as many objects of that colour into our bags for the trip. When the minute was up we each took turns showing and describing what we had packed, and then it was the next person's turn to choose the Colourland we were going to visit!
Science experiment:
Theme this week is Colours
Milk Rainbow
The kids put red, blue and yellow food colouring in different areas of a pan filled with milk. They then put a tiny squirt of dish soap in the center of the pan and watched as the primary colours slowly mixed together to form secondary colours in the pan. We then talked about the results and how they compared to what we had learned earlier in the week about mixing primary colours and filled in a colour wheel to graphically depict our results.
Physical activity:
Played outside in the snow.
Outing/social time:
Coloring C word pictures, tracing letter C, tracing C words, tracing zig zag lines, finding yellow items in larger group, finding brown items in larger group, finding black & white items in larger group, cutting straight lines.
Hands on math:
Played colour related games in both English and French on the iPad.
Danced and sang along to our colours theme compilation cd, calling out the colours we heard in the songs and saying them in French.
French is always emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced using "S'il vous plait" when making a request and "Merci" when that requested in granted. We also continued working on answering "Je ne comprends pas" when they don't understand something said to them in French and "Je ne sais pas" when they understand but don't know the answer. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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