As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: A
Theme of the week: Animals
Arts & crafts:
We bought wooden lion masks at a craft store and the kids painted them any which way they liked.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
Never Tease A Weasel by Soule/Hampson
I'm Just a Baby Tyrannosaur by Pocket Money Press
A Visit to the Seasame Street Zoo by Weiss/Leigh
Barney Goes to the Zoo by Dowdy
Cooperative game:
Science experiment:
Theme this week is Air
Puffy Pillow experiment from Science Play by Hauser
Kids ripped up tiny pieces of tissue paper and placed them in a Ziploc bag. The straw was inserted into the bag which was then zipped and the kids predicted what would happen to both the bag and the tissue pieces if they blew into the straws and explained why. They then tested their predictions and we discussed their findings.
Physical activity:
Outdoor play in the snow.
Outing/social time:
Library visit. 9 of our 15 selections were theme related books:
Usborn Talkabouts - The Farm by Amery/Cartwright
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Martin Jr/Carle
Animals by Bright Baby Books
My New Pet is the Greatest by Albee/Evans
The Bunny Book by Scarry
Birds by Henkes/Dronzek
Duck in the Truck by Alborough
Chicken Little by Sullivan/Rader
The Three Billygoats Gruff by Asbjornsen/Moe/Brown
Coloring A word pictures, tracing letter A, tracing A words, tracing straight lines left to right, writing name, picture matching, counting & finding numeral, circling specific amount out of larger group.
Hands on math:
Play with buttons - sort by shape, colour, choose certain number, easy addition, patterns, estimating who has most.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced answering "Oui, s'il vous plait" and "Non, merci" to various questions and will continue to do so all week.
Amazing - this is brilliant.