As described in earlier circle time post
Letter of the week: B
Theme of the week: The Body
Arts & crafts:
The kids made balloon figures using balloons, stickers, toilet paper rolls, felt and pipe cleaners.
Free play at stations:
Story time:
Look Here! by Hewitt
Say "Ahhhh!" Dora Goes to the Doctor by Beinstein/A&J Studios
The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body by Cole/Degen
Cooperative game:
Science experiment:
Theme this week is the 5 Senses
Vision Investigation experiment from Sid the Science Kid
I made simple drawings on index cards with a sharpie and had the kids try to identify them from across the house. I started from very far away and then moved closer and closer until they could identify the drawing. We did the experiment with both small and large drawings on the cards and we discussed how much sooner they could identify the drawing when it was large versus when it was small. We then turned the tables and had them perform the experiment on me (without my glasses!) and they saw how much closer they needed to be to me for me to identify the drawings. From there we discussed how people with vision problems need things like glasses or contact lenses to help them see better. Afterward, we took out magnifying glasses and went around the house examining everything we could find and looking for small details we couldn't normally notice.
Physical activity:
Sports Skills and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Outing/social time:
Sports Skills and Gymnastics class at Le Petit Gym.
Filling in the missing letters from body theme related words, circling words beginning with the letter B, circling pictures of items that begin with the letter B, adding the missing letter B into words.
Hands on math:
Listened and danced to our body theme compilation CD.
French is emphasized throughout the entire day; especially theme related words. Today we practiced answering "Je ne comprends pas" when they don't understand something said to them in French and "Je ne sais pas" when they understand but don't know the answer. We will continue to practice these sentences all week.
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